The Bear made it into a festival already! Competition is pretty tough at these festivals so, for now, he’s thrilled just to get selected.

The Bear made it into a festival already! Competition is pretty tough at these festivals so, for now, he’s thrilled just to get selected.
Here’s the new poster for the film festival circuit!
This is my first festival submission for Catching the L Train!
One really fun aspect of making my animated short film, Catching the L Train, has been all of the field research. While Google can instantly load up countless reference photos, there is something personally enriching about walking around in a real location and making direct observations.
On a whim, I drove down to a building I hadn’t visited in nearly 20 years. (read more)
The music is done! Here’s the jump scene from Catching the L Train with the final music in place. I owe a big “thank you” to composer Daniel Beja who is extremely talented and fantastic to work with!