Festigious Festival Interview

Bear on a Train

“The bear finally committing to the relationship mirrored my willingness to become a better animator”

April 19, 2017 | Interview with Eric Raingruber, director of Catching the L Train

Catching the L Train is probably the most adorable, heart-warming animation you’ve seen in a while. That’s why our lead judge, Jackie Moore, described it as a “perfect short film”.

In the following interview, animator, and director Eric Raingruber shares his 18-month process of bringing this unique story to life.

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 Click here to go to the original interview at festigious.com

Festigious Bear Review

Festigious Bear Review

Festigious Best Picture: “Catching the L Train”, directed by Eric Raingruber.

Our lead judge, Jackie Moore, on the selection:

“I loved the style and tone. The love story was very simple and sweet, the animation was completely original and the bears were extremely life-like! I loved the ending as well. Beautifully done and perfect short film.”